Tuesday, January 24, 2017

obamacare congress vote

obamacare congress vote

we have decision without decision thesupreme court there's a lot of healthcare law all-volunteer level or not oh all people chief justice john roberts so i thinkwith all of rose uh... there is so different parts ofthis bill first of all the construct on the entire bill they did not they construct our mandate

they did not they said hey you know what we don't think they have the power to dothis on the commerce clause of but at least john roberts said this it can be considered a tax and tax isperfectly constitutional so it survives they struck down a smallpart of it which is medicaid expansion the state's if you have a choice onwhether they go along with that or not that might affect some people in thecountry they might not get uh... health care coverage because ofthat but overall it's a small portion of

the bill so that largely survives intact one of the implications of this and i myhappy or not first of all chief justice john roberts who of course is conservative in israel conservativealmost in every case gets a rule conservator the breast oftime does he get always for backup come on now unreported correct we won'tbother that all live and forever watchmen pundits willconsider a moderate pace on this will

lead to lower and it is a perfectly political decisionin that he you know this is saying hey you knowwhat looted as i've alluded democrats and thepope court was not partisan and he made sure of saying that in thedecision you see how this is not about partisanpolitics right uh... now of course as i said it by someleeway to be professor from every other decision in the world

and at the same time is actually a procorporate decisions remember the mandate is a conservative idea recently cookedup by the heritage foundation supported by richard nixon george asevere bush mit romney etcetera it forces you to buy corporate healthinsurance so it's not like roberts actually violates his ideologiesideologies pro corporate as a pro career decision so it's a when a lot of weight now does that mean that i mean guesses as itnow

by www patriot and run look i don't like the mandate i've saida million times there is a right wing idea there's a lot of this healthcarelaw i don't like i'm really split on it overall elwin is a win and i'll tell you why i think that if uh... the supreme court struck this down there would have been in general hopelessness

among democrats and pr in evenprogressives that would've been really hard toovercome it would have seen like i don't knowwhat we do they find a way to strike it downwhether through politics for the supreme court et cetera we can see no-win and ithink that that would have been devastating so we avoided thatinsulation on the democratic side i think you should be a little bit calmerthan they are but you know what is much better than the alternative were with work which is not a similardid complete despair

so now the other thing is you win bytwenty and it's a small victory you know it the issue as companies arestill in charge they cancel charge whatever they want nonetheless i'll take it it's muchbetter than a law class so i i i'm in favor of the decision andit was the right thing to do uh... finally the conservatives flowers summit ronnie goes others can youbelieve they will demand a prostitute but you have any in your company perhapsa two-thirds

an internal problems of hypocrisy here and let the other reason i'm happy aboutthe victory is because they're or good things in thehealth care bill that's why i'm split split doesn't mean i'm totally againstthat there are things that i like in the billis a covers preexisting conditions you know how popular dance eighty two percent of countries in favorof that in fact going to conserve reactionheaded by vice president obama but all now you want to reallycampaigning to about

this issue of health care have added cost i thought they knew that i think on straight on pre-existingconditions you are against everybody being covered on that i'm in favor ofeveryone being covered porch i've got a new mazone people on my side you are all let's do it looks like utah collectionabout it and i will take your ass off

eighty two percent agree with us on thativory with that it's great to cover pre-existingconditions you know you're about to get a billiondollar rebate not all of you of course but about thirteen million familiesbecause all part of the law is uh... insurance companies must spendeighty percent of the money they get from you on your health care they can't take it home in profits abovetwenty percent there's management and marketing within that twenty percent toso there have to actually go one point

one billion dollar rebate on average for the average familyhistory but it's not going to be one knows in your pocket so they're very good things in this billdo you get the rebate you got the pre-existing conditions and then are more people that he had health care you know it looks like about thirtymillion people the medicaid provision by the fact that a little bit but overall let's see if we can work andi hope that in the and that this health

care bill actually proves me wrong but is starts to get implemented astep-by-step would get so much better place something like medicare for all ormaybe the super i don't know if it's going to go there i don't know if it's going to work but i do know that i'd like to give it achance and i don't mind and want to kill in the crib here and the supreme courtavoided that so i'm elated on that count and then uh... finally

at so you could serve the reaction but because her wrist weeding today there on satisfying rent out our blogcare alberta canada workforce they would have socialized medicine never underestimate the stupidity ofconservatives in america victory in america today

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