butch matthews is a 61-year-old formersmall business owner from little rock arkansas this is a guyi used to wake up at 4am every morning to deliver cannedbeverages to retailers this was before he retired in 2010 he's a lifelong republican and he washeavily skeptical all the affordable care act when itfirst passed but and his health care situation is amazing so get this he wasself-employed between 1997 and 2010 meaning he had to purchase his own planon the individual market
and anybody who's ever done that knowshow hard that is a knows how expensive it could be so he chose a blue coat blue cross blueshield plan for himself and his wife that charged 250 dollars per month a premium and had a two thousand dollardeductible okay that was the plan when he first gotinto it but the price of his policy overtime kept rising but even as his policy started to cover fewer ofhis costs eventually he had to pay 1000 in sixtynine dollars per month
with %uh ten thousand dollar deductible do you believe that you're paying over athousand dollars per month and then when you getting all thehospital you still have to pay the first ten thousand dollars that is the worst insurance i've everheard of and by the way i can even cover ismedication or as doctor's visits sweeping over a thousand dollars a monthto get nothing in return nothing in return what stunningly badpolicy and won a stunningly idiotic health care system we've set up right
but and by the way this guy needed but surgery in 2006 too so we had tofrequently be involved with the health care systemhe said quote i do not work now i'm 61 and we do haveassets saved up but still to come up with a over athousand dollars per month but i want a blue cross blue shield buti could not change it anything else so i was locked and well that allchanged once obamacare state-level marketplaceis open to the public on tuesday and matthews knew that at hisincome level
the law would help him pay for insuranceso get this his new coverage will cost him absolutely nothing per month in premiums nothing now why is that willunder obamacare middle-class families in poor families %uh the poor get extended medicaidinsurance they rose that level of income for medicaid and the middle class gets up subsidies so when you factor in all his federalsubsidies for all the different purposes
at he has a deductible %uh only 750 anypays 0 per month and by the way this is themid-level silver policy that he paid out about a bare-bones policy a which also offers a significantlybetter benefits package a doctor visit will no longer cost himabout a hundred and fifty dollars it will cost him 8 dollars now how much when you calculate everythingup when you add everything up how much is his overall savings per year13
thousand dollars so what would matthewstell other americans who are skeptical about obamacare quote i would tell them to learn moreabout it before they start talking bad about it be more informed actually check thefacts about it i still am a very strong republican but are more arm so happy that this camealong we had more expense on medical care than everything else put together sothis is gonna be
a great help for us well mister matthews you might wannareconsider the whole being a republican thing but wow what an amazing personal storythis iz i don't know how the republicans canargue against this all-volunteer is not perfect by anystretch of the imagination in fact we know according to the factsaccording to the study is that if we copy the best health caresystem in the world the french system which is privatehealth care providers
but public a coverage via tax dollars isfully funded by tax of dried up the best in the world single pair would be better medicare forall would be better we know that right but this is definitely better than thesystem that we had and butch mathews is living proof ovett look in the system beforehand 45,000people die every year in the united states because they didn't have accessto basic health care okay obamacare dresses that to a largeextent not nearly enough but it's better than what we had therepublicans need to stop arguing
for apush statically irrational position
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