there's a conservative attempt todismantle obamacare the mitch mcconnell justsigned onto and this is a that there's basicallythis risk pool created for insurance companies by obamacare andit's funded by taxpayers in this thing sunsets by the way in 2016 theassumption is the by then we won't need it but you know just for the roll out someinsurance companies depend you know depending which statestheir opportunity what plans they put together
may end up with some with more oldersicker people and fewer younger healthy people andthey might lose money on obamacare and other insurance companies might make ahuge profit on obamacare and so this this kinda risk pool for the insurancecompanies was set up so that if insurance companies lose money will cover them and you know one otherconservative comments about obamacare is that this you knowthis is %uh there's a hundred different moving parts in this thing but it which is true and it's why ithink you know hey
just medicare part e single-payer let'sjust offer everybody in america medicare and the easy way to do that by the wayis to simply amend obamacare to at a public option to it because thenyou can't choose medicare or you can choose your health insurancecompany miss after also present obama campaigned on in 2008 but in any case and they're saying let'sjust do it legislatively do away with this risk pool which of course is gonna cause insurancecompanies a sacred relic
we are playing this game anymore youhave to have our back or were not guaranteed profitability and you to actually i mean that you know there's a there's apopulist element to this that might actually cause it to work because peoplegenerally 8 sure its companies and what the republicans are saying is why our tax dollars making sure that theinsurance companies don't lose money now the easy answer to that is that because obamacare is a republican plan
it was developed by the heritagefoundation or institute or whatever they call it and it was put into place by mitt romneyin massachusetts republican governor it is a republican plan it was first proposed by richard nixon the democratic plan was always medicarefor everybody harry truman in 1947 proposed that everybody becovered by a national health insurance program single-payer thats always been the democrats plan
obamacare as a republican plan but itwas put forward by democratic president in an in a time when republicans you know had a why at the time it passed i don'tthink they had control has represented but they had basically control the senate in as muchas they could told us you think they could block things and so they're allthese compromises made to get enough republicans to vote forthis thing plus there were these conservative comes in %uh the max baucusis
up the world who had to be mollified and so you know we ended up with therepublican health care care plan for as a national health careplan and because it's republican health care plan it uses private companies in makes money for them and guarantees thema prop so the republicans now ur saying you knowwe know the problems with their own plan if we pull out this this guaranteedprofitability peace which is only going to be in effect forthe first two years
while those program kind of adjustsitself right is presumably after two years the healthinsurance companies will no and this is apparently our tomassachusetts to after the in the two years the health insurance companies allknow okay here's what we should separate saidhere's where risks are yours you note the years was gonna sign up they just you know it all been all thenow you can do the math so people acting out the first two yearsyou crash obamacare and believe it or not this is this isthe new thing that that
their trying to do at the same time thatthey're trying to do that this is the the absolute strangest thing mitch mcconnell well he's while he'strying to do this he is his running television ads back inkentucky same that he that match helps get health care for people hisparty at this is %uh the sky whispering awesome these days i don't have much of a choice butsomething i can't i can't at the nl someone like stop allies match
got a whole is guys whispering kors hesays you know i work with radioactive materials i got throat cancer mitch mcconnell pass legislation thatthat to you know actually provided 250,000 a cash payment anybody gotradiation from working with this materials up mcconnell also ignored the plant onthe dangers of the plant's and you know he was i mean there's justthere's a really sordid story behind this thing but net now at this guy is the mcconnellcampaign is same
you know mitch got me health care government funded healthcare is getting even at the joint okobamacare anything i gotta cuz he worked at this factorthat was handling radioactive for is the kinda weird that at the same timethat you're trying to dismantle my health care program for the countryyou're running an ad in your home state talking about how your the champion ofgovernment-funded health care welcome
very strange will be back its 28 test you're listening to the thom hartmannprogram call 866 987 thoi em and should we consider same you know it's time rickles economic islikely appeal slavery
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